




The Yellow River, a great river in northern China, is about 5464 kilometers long and has a basin area of about 752443 square kilometers. The fifth longest river in the world and the second longest river in China.


The northern source of the Yellow River originated from Zaqu at the southern foot of Chahasila Mountain, a branch of the Bayan Hara Mountains on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The Southern source originated from Kajiqu at the northern foot of the various Yashan Mountains of the Bayan Hara Mountains, and the Western source originated from the Argumentary Zongliequ at the Western foot of the Star Hara Mountains.

In the shape of "Ji", it flows through Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan and Shandong provinces (autonomous regions) from west to east, and finally flows into the Bohai Sea.


The Yellow River is the most important birthplace of Chinese civilization. The Chinese call it the "Mother River". Every year, 1.6 billion tons of sediment will be produced, of which 1.2 billion tons will flow into the sea. The remaining 400 million tons will remain in the lower reaches of the Yellow River for a long time, forming an alluvial plain, which is conducive to planting.



Several hydropower stations have been built on the Yellow River to generate electricity for human use.


To regulate the ecological environment and climate near rivers.


Water can be diverted to irrigate surrounding farmland.







Lanzhou, Gansu Province


Lanzhou, capital of Gansu Province, is a major stop on the ancient "Silk Road" west of Xi'an. Situated on the upper reaches of the Yellow River, Lanzhou has been important for thousands of years because of the Hexi Corridor, or “Corridor West of the Yellow River,” in which early Chinese civilization began. About 3,000 years ago, in the Zhou Dynasty, agriculture began to take shape in the basins of the Jin and Wei Rivers that formed the corridor, marking the beginning of the great Yellow River basin civilization.


Starting in the Qin Dynasty, merchants and traders traveling from Xi'an to central Asia and then on to the Roman Empire, or the other way round, broke their long journey at Lanzhou. To protect this corridor and important communications hub, the Great Wall was extended under the Han as far as Yumen, in the far northwest of present-day Gansu Province.


Lanzhou became capital of a succession of tribal states during the turbulent ventures that followed the decline of the Han Dynasty. During this time of turmoil, people began to turn to ideologies that satisfied their need for hope. Taoism developed into a religion, and Buddhism became the official religion in some of the northern states. Buddhist art also flourished, and shrines were built in temples, caves, and on cliffs. From the fifth to the 11th centuries, Dunhuang, beyond the Yumen Pass of the Great Wall, became a center for Buddhist study, drawing scholars and pilgrims from afar. It was a period in which magnificent works of art were created.






"Yellow River Mother" is a stone sculpture artwork representing the mother river of the Chinese nation - the Yellow River.


It is located in the middle section of Binhe Road on the south bank of the Yellow River in Lanzhou City and on the north side of Xiaoxihu Park. It is 6 meters long, 2.2 meters wide and 2.6 meters high. More than 40 tons.


The work consists of "mother" and "male boy", which symbolize the mother of the Yellow River and the descendants of the Chinese. The work won the Excellence Award in the first national urban sculpture program evaluation.


“Yellow River Mother” has now become the iconic sculpture of Lanzhou and also represents the image of Lanzhou. Author He E, a famous sculptor in Gansu.





该雕塑构图简洁,寓意深刻,反映了甘肃悠远的历史文化。 神态慈祥,身躯颀长匀称,曲线优美,微微含笑,抬头微曲右臂,仰卧于波涛之上,右侧依偎着一裸身男婴(象征中华人民),头微左顾,举首憨  黄河母亲像笑,显得顽皮可爱。





The Yellow River is one of the cradles of the Chinese civilization,Gansu is an important birth place of the Yellow River civilization.The Majia Kiln culture is a late Neolithic culture of the upper reaches of the Yellow River.With the advancement of science and technology and the era,more and more people begin to pay attention to the Majia Kiln culture.


The introduction of Lanzhou city【兰州市中英文简介】

兰州,甘肃省省会,中国西北地区重要的工业基地和综合交通枢纽,西部地区重要的中心城市之一,西陇海兰新经济带重要支点, 西北重要的交通枢纽和物流中心,是新亚欧大陆桥中国段五大中心城市之一,西北地区第二大城市,是我国华东、华中地区联系西部地区的桥梁和纽带,西北的交通通信枢纽和科研教育中心,丝绸之路经济带的重要节点城市 ,也是西部战区陆军机关驻地。



Lanzhou is the capital city of Gansu Province in northwest China. The

Yellow River, the Chinese Mother River, runs through the city, ensuring

rich crops of many juicy and fragrant fruits. The city is the transportation and telecommunication center of the region. Covering an

area of 1631.6 square kilometers (629.96 square miles), it was once a

key point on the ancient Silk Road. Today, it is a hub of the Silk Road

Tourism Ring, with Maiji Caves to the east, Bingling Temple Grottoes to

the west, Labrang Monastery to the south and Dunhuang Mogao Caves to the


With mountains to the south and north of the city and the

Yellow River flowing from the east to the west, Lanzhou is a beautiful

modern city with both the grand beauty of northern cities and the

prettiness of southern cities. The city downtown comprises five

districts: Chengguan, Qilihe, Xigu, Honggu and Anning. Among them,

Chengguan District, situated in the eastern part of the city, is the

center of politics, economy, culture and transportation.

Anning District, in the northwestern part, is the economic development zone as

well as the area where most colleges are located.


My hometown is in Lanzhou, beautiful scenery, a beautiful WuQuan mountain and BaiDaShan. The railway is like a rainbow across the Yellow River, the Yellow River four miles a charming scenery FengQingXian provide people with a tourist recreation. In spring, warm, WuQuan snow and ice on the mountains melted, walking in the park by the willow complements the streams, nearer and nearer the singing of ding ding mountain spring flowers bloom, park, fragrance pubi, most people may like this season. In summer, the sun is shining, the yacht filled with shade, perhaps view with many people in this season. In winter, the north wind, flying snowflakes shout, the animals to hide in the house, but the children afraid of cold, go ice skating, make a snowman and snowball fights, happy! I prefer autumn in lanzhou, every autumn, lanzhou sky is so high, when you walk in the park, listening to the series series of rotating creaks voice, looking at the blue sky floating in the BaiYunShi blossoming, you mind will remind of many... 我的家乡在兰州,这里风景优美,有美丽的五泉山和白塔山。黄河铁桥像一道彩虹横跨黄河两岸,景色迷人的四十里黄河风情线为人们提供了旅游休闲的好去处。 春季,春回大地,五泉山上的冰雪融化了,走在被垂柳掩映着的公园小溪旁,耳畔响起了山泉丁冬的歌唱声,公园内百花齐放,鲜花芬芳扑鼻,大多数人也许喜欢的正是这个季节。 夏季,艳阳高照,黄河游艇里坐满了纳凉观景的人,也许很多人陶醉于这个季节。 冬季,雪花飞扬,北风呼呼,动物们躲在屋里不肯出门,可是孩子们不怕冷,出去溜冰、堆雪人、打雪仗,可快活了! 我更喜欢兰州的秋天,每到秋季,兰州的天空是那样的高远,当你漫步在黄河水车园,听着吱吱呀呀水车转动的声音,望着漂浮在蓝天下的朵朵白云时,你的脑际会想起很多很多……

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